Dir. Katie Petitt & Sean Mattison
Produced by Eaton Workshop and Current Movements.
“No Justice No Pride,” a short documentary directed by Sean Mattison and Katie Pettit, Eaton’s Director of Impact, follows a grassroots transgender organization through its adolescence in 2019. At the time, NJNP operated out of a house with nine permanent residents, plus as many as 22 people crashing there on any given night. The organization challenges the mainstream LGBTQ+ movement, with Pride as its emblem, to be inclusive of the community’s most marginalized members, including young trans and queer people. The film follows the triumphs and struggles of this chosen family through a slice of life of founder Emmelia Talarico and organizing trainer Tiara Moten. The film premiered during Another World Is Possible, Eaton Workshop’s 2020 virtual film festival.
06 Dec 2020