Meeting In The Middle

Explore how to create a balanced partnership with the masculine & feminine expressions within ourselves & our relationship with other.


We all have aspects of both masculine & feminine expressions flowing through us as their differences create a complimentary whole. Often times, many of us have experienced the confusion of attempting to blend these energies together with ease; especially in romance. Like all things in life, there is a sensible way to handle this dynamic by first examining how it works. This is a task we cannot do alone because no one person contains the keys to prospering in this nuanced dance. This is where community comes in.

We invite you to invest your time in an honest conversation to share your experience of romance, as well as how it’s played out in your inner life & outer relationships. Through our participation of meeting in the middle, we can uncover the mysteries around a subject that has brought both joy and pain. Together, we can explore how to best create a smooth, enriching ride. Sound interesting to you? Get your ticket today & let’s talk!

About the Facilitator: My name is Nicholson Porter, & I have been interested in the flow of energy since I began practicing meditation over 10 years ago. My primary focus is understanding & creating health to experience the naturally abundant joy of life. So as an observer of energy (& a Gemini moon), I’ve been intrigued by the dance of masculinity & femininity for most of my life. Along the way, I have had my fair share of success & failures in this tango that I’ve shared with a small group of friends. Through these discussions, I’ve realized we all share similar experiences and often misunderstanding. With meditation, I’ve come to understand there is no separation, and often time a lack of communication. My mission is to create conversations that transform people’s psychology from confusion to clarity.