Masaya x Taro from Jazzy Sport HQ (Live Set)
Masaya Fantasista
(Jazzy Sport / Breakthrough / Physical Sound Sport / Tettory BLK)
Captain (aka CEO) of Jazzy Sport. Masaya is a living representative of the soul of "Jazzy Sport" and a true definition of a “creative athlete”. His love for music started from playing the piano at a young age. Heavily influenced by living the surrounding of Jazz music, Masaya gradually found the same vibe and dopeness into early 90's Hiphop. Since established "Jazzy Sport" in 2001, Masaya continuously create new vision and sound with numerous collaborations.
On the "Sport" side of thing, Masaya has been as live as his label has been. In 2006, he won the championship on Adidas futsal tournament in Japan and finished 2nd Place in the world title; a collaboration tour with ski brand “Vector Glide”; and a lifelong contributor to the promoting of “Mountaineering” in Japan. hosting DJs at the national climbing championships.
Taro Kesen aka Wassupski
(Jazzy Sport)
A co-founder of Jazzy Sport, Taro grew up heavily influenced by early 80s street culture, Punk/ New Wave, early Hip-Hop, skating and graffiti culture - citing NY artist RAMM:ELL:ZEE as major influence. Since working for one of the most respected Japanese independent label File Records (together with Masaya), he co-founded Jazzy Sport and responsible for captivating new/ upcoming talents, and has been a core member of the team on all fronts from artists management and promotion, label productions and distributions, management to directions/ strategic development. Taro is also an avid skier.