Movement Festival: Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine
Living Books | 24 SEP 17:30 - 20:30 | G/F Lobby | Cantonese & French
Kong Ho Yin is “Book of a wild man” by Uncle Hung in Cantonese. Wu King Yeung is “For The Time Being” by Annie Dillard in Cantonese. Alice Rensy is “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville in French. They have learnt by heart the first 30 minutes and recite it from memory to individual « readers ». Each reading is a one-to-one experience (a book and a reader).
The living books library is rich with more than a hundred titles worldwide in various languages. It was initiated in Norway by Mette Edvardsen. Seen in Tai Kwun JC Contemporary’s “Trust & Confusion” last summer, it continues to grow in Hong Kong.
Concept by Mette Edvardsen;
Performance by Kong Ho Yin, Wu King Yeung & Alice Rensy