PRIDE: Sex, Death, Film - Michael Brynntrup's Film Works: Archive / Analog / Artefact
In 2023, the first year after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael Brynntrup was originally going to revisit Hong Kong and Guangzhou, but the trip did not take place. It was not until the midsummer of the next year, during Pride month, twenty years after his first visit to Hong Kong, that he returned to Hong Kong and Guangzhou again to meet old and new friends, bringing with him his representative works and related archives.
Conceived by Eaton HK and On Kino, "Film Decline and Eternal Passion," is a film festival originally featuring works by various authors (including Michael Brynntrup, Kenneth Anger and Luther Price). Now, with the addition of "Sex, Death, Cinema: The Works of Michael Brynntrup and Related Archives", the first edition of the festival is presented in Hong Kong and Guangzhou.
When old and new friends gather together, do we really want to, and can we really discuss sex and death? These gathering are always fleeting, only savored as a memory after a long time. As time passes and we move on with our lives, we still find ourselves confronting the themes of Michael Brynntrup's films: sex and death. The exhibition will display precious cultural relics such as manuscripts, films, videos, DVDs, promotional publications, film stills, and writings related to Michael Brynntrup's creative career over the past four decades.